How to Segment Your Audience?

How to Segment Your Audience?

Marketing is the talk of the town since the Internet has boomed among businesses. However, some marketers are not able to meet the marketing or business objectives. 

Often, marketers forget that every audience is a unique human with unique interests, backgrounds, and beliefs. And, of course, they want to be approached differently for encouraging a purchasing decision. 

This stands true for brands that are dedicated to a wide range of audiences. You need to learn how to segment your audience before you implement your marketing strategies. Let’s begin.

Types of Audience Segmentation

So, once you decide to segment your audience and approach them with hyper-personalized marketing strategies you are required to make a number of decisions. The first and most important decision is to understand what is the criteria for your audience. 

You have a ton of information on your audience and you need to segregate them into proper categories. This helps in easy identification and personalization of the marketing efforts. Also, this will help the markets to share the relevant information with a particular set of audiences. Moreover, the marketing efforts would not go waste as they will resonate with the target audience.

There are countless criteria for you to segment your audience into:


Demographic data means the audience is based on statistical information like their age, income, family makeup, gender, and education. Use this information about the audience to create a different audience category and define them to target prospects effectively. 

Lifestyle/ Psychographic

Lifestyle or psychographic data includes information on the person’s interests, beliefs, attitudes, and hobbies. Use this data to create segments of your audience based on their buying actions. Learn about the audience and market to them accordingly.


They are the most critical and concrete data points that help judge the purchase decision of the audience. They are based on the information on the buying behavior of the audience. It includes looking at what they buy and how often they buy. Some people who make purchases almost daily need a different set of message cards than the ones who make monthly or bi-weekly purchases.

Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey is of three main stages- awareness, consideration, and decision. A person needs different messaging based on the stage of the buying journey they are in. Segment the buyer’s journey to look for the solution of their pressing issue that is seizing them from making the purchase decision. 


Geographic segmentation means segmenting the audience data based on location. It depends upon the product or service that you are offering. 

How to Segment Your Audience?


Pop up surveys on websites or questionnaires through emails, or the good old traditional way of collecting data. Get answers to a few questions and understand your audience.

Link Tracking

In email marketing, you can add tags and links that help you track the information of the users who click on the links. 

Phone Calls

The time-consuming but low-tech process to gather information on your audience by the process of cold calling. Phone calls may offer a new level of insight into how customers think and what they desire.

Analytics Platforms

Google Analytics and Kissmetrics are a few of the platforms that help you track information on the customers. They help you track the small customer base for understanding the customers deeper and gather information like gender, age, location, and interests.

Learn more about Types of Audience Segmentation


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